How to change/create custom name in Google Plus account? URL shortening tips

Sharing is the basic concept in the social networking. In Facebook you can share your Facebook profile page by sending the actual page link or link with custom name to your friends so that they can easily identify your profile updates and sharing.


google plus url shortening jpbuzz
Google Plus is the direct competitor for Facebook networking. But in reality Google+ is more professional than Facebook as we experience the power of the circle concept and the sharing skills.


How to customize Google Plus account with your name?
Have you ever thought How to change or have my name in the Google+ profile instead of having random numbers in the link? How to change Google Plus URL Name?

” I tried different ways and techniques to have custom name in the Google+ profile. You can share your profile using the email address but this is not the safe way since you expose your personal email id it will lead to spam and hack attacks. “

Visit and you can create a custom name for your Plus One Google profile very easily. Open and your Google Plus profile. Copy your Google Plus profile ID which is in 21 numbering in the URL and type your profile nick name and hit Enter to create.

If Google Plus ID is already taken then you need to choose alternate name. Suppose if you choose the ID as then the shortened url will become like After doing this you can easily redirect your fans and members of friends circle to your profile page using the short URL. This is the easy Google Plus URL shortening service I found.

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